
Revolutionising Architectural

By integrating sustainable solutions into every phase of the project lifecycle, we aim to reduce carbon footprints and create a circular economy in the construction industry, transforming the way architects and designers approach building and construction.

Here's Why Ireland Needs a Rethink on Construction & Demolition Waste Management

Ireland Produced

9 million tonnes of C&D Waste

In 2021

Source: Environmental Protection Agency Wexford

The C&D Waste represents

of all waste produced within the European Union

Source: Environmental Protection Agency Wexford

Addressing Ireland's Construction Waste Challenge

Construction waste is Ireland’s fastest-growing waste stream, increasing rapidly. In 2021, Ireland produced 9 million tonnes of construction and demolition (C&D) waste, up 10% from the previous year. This accounts for over half of Ireland’s total waste.

85% of this waste is soil and stone, with the rest being concrete, brick, tiles, glass, metal, plastic, and wood.

The Impact of ModuLite

ModuLite blocks reflect our dedication to the environment. We help reduce construction waste and lower the carbon footprint. Our production minimises waste and maximises recycled resources, making each block a step towards a greener planet.

Our Solution

Lease of Joinery

Removal and Storage

Repurpose Solutions

Material Solution Remake

Lease of Joinery

We support a circular economy by encouraging material reuse. After the lease period, joinery products can be refurbished, repurposed, or recycled, reducing waste and the demand for new materials.

Architects and designers can work with the joinery provider to select or customise joinery products that fit the project’s aesthetic and functional goals.

Why Choose ModuLite's Lease of Joinery?

ModuLite’s lease of joinery service is designed to support architects and designers in creating sustainable, flexible, and cost-effective projects.

Access to innovative and high-quality joinery solutions tailored to the designer’s needs.

A commitment to sustainability and the circular economy, with products designed for easy reuse and recycling.

Comprehensive support and maintenance services to ensure long-term satisfaction and performance.


Removal and Storage

By systematically removing and storing joinery and other materials, we prevent landfill waste and reduce the carbon footprint from producing and transporting new materials. Stored materials offer flexibility for future designs, allowing architects and designers to repurpose them for new projects.

Repurpose Solutions

We foster a culture of innovation, encouraging creative thinking and unique solutions in repurposing projects.

Our rigorous quality control processes ensure that repurposed materials meet the highest standards of safety and performance. 

Material Solution Remake

Our commitment to sustainability drives every aspect of our material solution remake process, from collection to final product. 

ModuLite promotes sustainability by transforming waste into high-quality products, reducing environmental impact, conserving resources, and offering cost-effective construction solutions.

Sustainable Materials for a Greener Future

Inner Core

The inner core of our blocks are wood that acts as a carbon dioxide (CO2) store, capturing and holding CO2 throughout its lifecycle. This makes it a carbon-negative material, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gases.

Exterior Panels

Our Exterior Panels are crafted from 95% recycled wood. We use recycled MDF boards making it an excellent alternative to traditional construction materials like concrete and steel.

Our Commitment

We have invested over €500,000 to date in our ModuLite R&D to deliver a sustainable building block/ process for using old materials minimizing the need for major high carbon framework.

•   New Green Facility  •   Hemp Building Blocks 

•   Wood Framed Structure 

•   Solar and Wind Turbine Self Efficiency 

Join the Journey to a Sustainable Future

Partner with us to redefine architectural sustainability. Together, we can create a circular economy that benefits everyone. 

    Discover Your Space

    Unleash the power of ModuLite and witness your space come alive with unparalleled versatility, functionality, and sustainability.

    Provide your contact details below and let us bring it to life!

      Discover Your Space

      Unleash the power of ModuLite and witness your space come alive with unparalleled versatility, functionality, and sustainability.

      Provide your contact details below and let us bring it to life!

        Discover Your Space

        Unleash the power of ModuLite and witness your space come alive with unparalleled versatility, functionality, and sustainability.

        Provide your contact details below and let us bring it to life!